Exploring the Enchanting World of BeWILDerwood, Norfolk

If you’re looking for a magical adventure that delights the whole family, both children and adults, the wonky world of the BeWILDerwood adventure park in Norfolk is your destination you won’t want to miss. This enchanted woodland world, inspired by creator Tom Blofeld magical books, offers a unique experience and blend of nature, imagination, and adventure, making it a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

A World of Wonder


BeWILDerwood isn’t one of your typical theme parks. There are no rides or electronic attractions; instead, you’ll find a natural playground where children, also wheelchair users, and adults alike can immerse themselves in the beauty and magic of the woods for endless hours. The park is designed to spark creativity and encourage active play, with a strong emphasis on the natural environment, storytelling shows, and special events.

Attractions and Activities

Treehouses and Twiggles


One of the highlights of the great outdoors at BeWILDerwood is its array of magical treehouses and play structures. The Treehouse Adventure playground features intricately designed treehouses connected by rope bridges, giant slippery slides, and tunnels. These whimsical structures are inspired by the Twiggles and Boggles, the boggle village magical creatures, and twiggle houses.

The Sky Maze


For those who love a challenge, the Sky Maze offers an exhilarating experience. This high-level maze is made up of connecting walkways and bridges suspended among the trees. It’s a test of both physical agility and problem-solving skills as you navigate through the maze while enjoying stunning views of the forest.

Wobbly Wires

BeWILDerwood’s take on the extra-long zip wires, known as the Wobbly Wires, provides an adrenaline rush for adventurous creatures. Safely harnessed, you can zip for the first time through the trees, experiencing the forest from a whole new perspective.

Storytelling and Crafting

Throughout the day, visitors can enjoy live storytelling sessions where characters from the magical world of BeWILDerwood books come to life. These sessions are interactive, inviting children to participate in the tales of the Twiggles and Boggles. Additionally, craft workshops allow kids to create their own magical memories and souvenirs to take home.

Boat Rides


The Dismal Dyke boat ride is an exciting journey through the woodland’s waterways. This gentle boat trip introduces you to the Scaaaary Lake with “Ethel The Crocklebog” on your journey, then continues to offer a relaxing introduction to the sights and sounds of the forest while learning more about the magical inhabitants of BeWILDerwood.

A Focus on Nature and Sustainability

BeWILDerwood is deeply committed to preserving the natural beauty of the Norfolk Broads. The park’s design emphasizes sustainability, using natural and recycled materials wherever possible and good old-fashioned fun. Educational programs are integrated into the experience, teaching visitors about the importance of conservation and the local ecosystem.

Practical Information

Getting There


BeWILDerwood is located in the heart of the Norfolk Broads, near the village of Hoveton. It’s easily accessible by car, with ample parking available. For those using public transport, there are train and bus services that connect to the nearby town of Wroxham, where there is a short taxi ride to the park.

Opening Hours and Tickets

The park is typically open from late March to early November, with extended hours during school holidays. It’s advisable to check the official BeWILDerwood website for the latest information on opening times and ticket prices. Booking tickets in advance is recommended, especially during peak seasons.


On-site facilities include cafes offering a variety of meals and snacks, picnic areas, and gift shops stocked with BeWILDerwood merchandise and books. There are also plenty of restrooms and baby-changing facilities to ensure a comfortable visit for families.



BeWILDerwood is more than just a park; it’s a day filled with smiles from start to finish in a world where imagination and nature collide. Whether you’re climbing through the treetops or crafting magical creatures, the park offers a brilliant day of adventure and wonder, a truly magical experience of family fun.

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